Home » The Best Graduation Gifts (Hint: Use video!)

It’s graduation time!

A time for achievement celebrated, a quest ended, and a new pursuit beginning.

Of all the celebrations we have, there may be none so equally split between yesterday, today, and tomorrow as graduation. And none so filled with elation, appreciation, and even trepidation. (All the feels!) The best graduation gifts rise to the occasion.

The Best Graduation Gifts Last

Think back to your own graduation(s). Do you remember the gifts you received?

How many of them do you still have and use? For most of us, that number is pretty small. Yet the gifts keep piling up. Did you know that in the US, the expected annual spend on graduation gifts has been over $5 billion for years?!

Fortunately, video memories cost less, last longer, and are worth more than the average graduation gift. So, if you’re looking for the perfect way to mark the momentous event, look no further than a Tribute graduation video.

A video Tribute is a chance to include all the most important people in a graduate’s life, each with a message focused on the grad. It’s one of the most personal, meaningful gifts you can give.

Tribute Videos Bring Memories to Life Forever

  1. Pictures are More Memorable Than Words
  2. Education Takes a Village
  3. Stories Can Demonstrate Growth
  4. Graduation is a Beginning and an Ending

There are a few key reasons that a Tribute video is among the best graduation gifts.

Reason #1: Pictures are More Memorable Than Words

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then video is worth millions! Unlike several short notes or “Congratulations on your graduation!” cards, a video montage lets the graduate see the faces of their strongest supporters, hear familiar voices give personal words of encouragement, and feel the impact of each message that can be experienced again and again.

Reason #2: Education Takes a Village

Whether or not your graduate’s education included sports, it was very much a team experience. There were classmates, teachers, counselors, family, friends, and a myriad of others who gave their support and encouragement. Invite those important people to be a part of your video collective.

Reason #3: Stories Can Demonstrate Growth

Tribute videos are holistic. Inviting video testimonials from a variety of people brings forth memories of day one to senior year.

Reason #4: Graduation is a Beginning and an Ending

Graduation is a celebration! But remember, the next steps can be a bit lonely and sometimes scary. By giving your grad the ability to replay a video of their loved ones speaking words of pride and encouragement, you can remind them at any time that they have the skills and loving support to handle anything.

Graduation Video Tips

  1. Use a Prompt (or Two)
  2. Choose a Variety of Participants
  3. Decide on a Theme

Ready to create your video, but wondering how to start? These tips should help!

Tip #1: Use a Prompt (or Two)

When you have a lot of people involved in a video, a prompt will help make sure it’s cohesive. The best way to do this is to have everyone answer a single question. For example: “What do you appreciate most about Manuel?” or “What one piece of advice do you have for Kayla’s future?” 

Whatever your question, remind participants to keep their answers to a minute or less so the final combined video is a good length.

Tip #2: Choose a Variety of Participants

The most important thing about the people you include in your video is that they are important to your grad. For graduates, we suggest you add favorite teachers, roommates, counselors, or anyone who made a huge impact on your grad’s school life.

Tip #3: Decide on a Theme

There may be chances beyond the common question to make the video more holistic. Is your grad a theater or music major? You could let contributors know you’re focusing on dancing or singing. 

You could also ask everyone to record their Tribute at the ceremony and gift the video days after graduation. Any theme you choose can help bring the montage together, but the most important theme is your graduate.

Tribute Graduation Video Steps

At Tribute, our video process makes video montage creation quick and easy:

  1. Invite friends.

    We send the invitations with all the information your friends and family need to participate.

  2. Collect videos.

    We provide the prompt for your participants to make a video and upload it.

  3. Compile the video.

    We make it easy for you to drag and drop the collected videos into any order you like and then share the final Tribute video.

  4. Get premium service (optional).

    Let one of our concierge editors manage the project and compile your final Tribute video. You can also upgrade to an LCD video card.

The whole of your graduate’s experience is worth more than the sum of its parts. By producing a Tribute video, you’re creating a holistic set of memories, emotions, and loving moments your grad will keep for a lifetime.

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