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The Power of Video Gifts for Military Members

Many military members are used to connecting with loved ones via video. For active duty military members on deployment, video provides a comforting glimpse of home. Video gifts for veterans can reconnect service members and loved ones from across the country (or world) in celebration or support of someone special.

Seeing faces and hearing voices of loved ones brings a special kind of comfort and joy to those who need it the most. That may explain why military members and veterans are also among the most willing participants to record video gifts for others. 

Reasons to Create a Video for an Active Duty Military Member

Active duty military members consume more media than the general US population. 

Statista found that in 2020, active duty military members spent nearly 3 hours more per day on Instagram and 2 hours more per day on Facebook than the general population. Why? Likely because videos and social media are both entertaining and well, social. In other words, a great way to stay connected with others.

If you know someone on active duty—whether they are deployed or not—they likely have people they care about in various parts of the world. From fellow service members to friends they made in training or while stationed in certain areas, the military life is full of chances to meet (and miss) many great humans. 

Video Gifts for Veterans and Active Duty Military Members, Reasons to Create a Video for an Active Duty Military Member, Family Moving Boxes and Flags

Then, add any family members and hometown friends your troop rarely gets to see, and you have plenty of faces to fill a meaningful video montage. In fact, video is the best way to bring many people together and collaborate across space and time zones to create a one-of-a-kind gift. 

Here are some great reasons to create a Tribute for an active duty military member:

  • Saying farewell to someone recently or soon-to-be deployed.
  • Welcoming someone back home from a deployment.
  • Celebrating a holiday or giving a birthday video montage.
  • Just reaching out to say, “We’re thinking of you,” or, “We miss you!”

Reasons to Give a Veteran a Video Tribute

Whether you are honoring Veterans Day, the birthday of a veteran, or just a regular Tuesday, a video montage is a beautiful way to say, “Thank you and we love you.” 

For example, here are some reasons to bring together loved ones in a video to a veteran:

  • Celebrating retirement from the military.
  • Wishing them a happy birthday or other holiday.
  • Sending love to a veteran going through a tough time.
  • Sharing a heartfelt, “Thank you for your service.”
Video Gifts for Veterans and Active Duty Military Members, Reasons to Give a Veteran a Video Tribute, Veteran in Wheelchair Smiles at Computer Screen

A study by the Journal of Occupational Medicine found that nearly half of military veterans reported feeling loneliness and social isolation.

Video is one way to convey support to a veteran who might struggle with loneliness, depression, or other challenges. However, if you or a veteran you know are having thoughts of suicide, the Veterans Crisis Line is available 24/7 via webchat, text, or phone (dial 1-800-273-8255 and press 1).

Watch a Military Video Tribute Example

Make a Free Tribute for an Active Duty Military Member

At Tribute, our goal is to spread human connection and gratitude far and wide, especially to those who need it most. To help families and loved ones stay connected, we offer FREE Tributes for active duty military members.

How to Create Military Video Gifts the Easy Way

Tribute is the most user-friendly military video montage maker. In a few simple steps, you can collaborate with others, collect their videos, and use the easy video editor to bring it all together in your final video gift. Another option is to have our concierge service professionally edit your video for you!

  1. Invite friends.

    We send the invitations with all the information your friends and family need to participate.

  2. Collect videos.

    We provide the prompt for your participants to make a video and upload it.

  3. Compile the video.

    We make it easy for you to drag and drop the collected videos into any order you like and then share the final Tribute video.

  4. Get premium service (optional).

    Let one of our concierge editors manage the project and compile your final Tribute video.

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