Suggest Tribute for Enterprise to your HR team or executive leaders today. It’s so easy to get started building a culture of gratitude and appreciation with our enterprise solutions.

Just reach out at or submit this form and tell us who you’d like us to contact.

Even the best of us can sometimes be at a loss for words and ideas on how to make work feel better; more human and connected.

We can be great at making our family and friends feel important, valued, cherished, appreciated, enjoyed and together…and then lose clarity or strategy on how to do it at work.

The research is prolific on how valuable employee engagement and appreciation is for business growth, and yet most companies are still falling woefully short.

We rounded up some of the best statistical reminders on why this is so critical for your company, and highlighted some of the best ways Tribute helps you elevate your culture supporting employee engagement and recognition.

The turnkey solution for employee engagement and appreciation.

  • Practicing gratitude decreases stress hormones like cortisol up to 23%
  • Companies with strategic recognition programs have 71% higher engagement levels++
  • 87% of recognition programs focus on tenure – which has no impact on organizational performance
  • 83% of people think it shows strength in a leader to express gratitude++++

Ways Companies Use Tribute to Increase Employee Engagement & Retention:

#1 Employee Recognition & Birthdays

Seeing and hearing the gratitude and appreciation for a job well done from leaders and colleagues is proven to boost morale and retention. Appreciated employees take more ownership in the quality of their work, are better problem-solvers, and stay longer.

  • Not feeling appreciated is the #1 reason employees leave their jobs!*

#2 Employee Welcome or Work Anniversary

What a way to stand out from the rest! Welcoming and honoring employees as they join your team – and stay with your team – build a culture that makes your company more competitive in the job market.

  • Feeling connected is the primary driver of employees investing their discretionary effort for the betterment of the company!**

#3 Employee Retirement or Farewell

Showering congratulations and celebrating new seasons of employees’ careers shows your entire team you’re committed to their growth and success.

These become iconic achievement gifts that recipients will watch again and again – shedding tears of joy 82% of the time! (this is an actual stat that we track on Tribute recipients)

  • Companies with detailed recognition programs are 31% more productive!***

Statistical Sources:

  • ++2012 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey
  • ++++GGSC, UC Berkeley
  • *Gallup, Tom Rath and Donald Clifton
  • **2014 TINYpulse Employee Engagement & Organizational Culture Chart Report 
  • ***2012 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey

Celebrate your employees or workplace events with Tributes for every occasion!

Create and give employee Tributes for any special workplace occasion!

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