Are you involved with a nonprofit having an impact in the world? 

If so, Tribute might be able to support you and the causes you care most about.

Submit a Cause →

We believe in doing good by giving back, and we’ve seen up close the impact Tribute can have for changemakers around the globe. Since our founding in 2014, we have given tens of thousands of in-kind Tributes to nonprofits around the globe through our Give Tribute program. 

With our rapid expansion over the past two years, we’re planning to give more FREE Tributes to nonprofits in 2022 than any year before. It’s called the Give Tribute program. This started as free gifts to military and medical nonprofits and now we want to do more for those doing good. 

When the world shut down for a global pandemic in 2020, we made Tributes free to every human on earth to show we were #inthistogether. Thousands of teachers, medical workers and family members were connected in a time when they couldn’t be together. It reaffirmed how important our impact work is for us as a company.

We need your help to reach your favorite changemakers and causes!

Whether you work for a nonprofit, volunteer, or simply donate to a cause that is meaningful to you, introducing Tribute to their team as a resource could have a lasting impact.

Submit a Cause →

After seeing the power of giving their first Tribute, many nonprofits have partnered with us to help do their work more efficiently and effectively all year long. 

What started as a free gift from us often turns into long-term partnerships that keep spreading gratitude and making the world a happier place.

Here are some of the ways nonprofits use Tribute to scale their impact and keep donors engaged:

1. To collect testimonials and impact stories.

Who has time (and staff) to record and edit videos with all the other work on their plates? Let Tribute do the job of collecting stories and editing into a heartfelt montage that lets your impact speak for itself – right from the ones who benefit the most!

2. To thank faithful donors and standout volunteers.

With so many important causes and nonprofits recruiting donors and volunteers, it’s easy to lose track of showing personalized gratitude. Donor engagement is critical to nonprofit survival. Tribute makes it super simple to send the most meaningful thank-you on earth!

3. To cheer up constituents going through a hard time.

The warmth of a friendly face sharing words of hope and care is strong medicine. Reach more of those in need with messages that elevate their mood by adding Tribute right into your programs and services mix.

We invite you to submit a nonprofit you’d like us to give a NO COST Tribute to in 2022. Use this short form to tell us who you believe in and we’ll reach out to help scale their impact and engage their donors!

May 2022 be a year of collective health, hope and wellbeing around the globe.

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