Home » Give an A+ Teacher Appreciation Video

Here’s a little pop quiz: Who, outside of your parents, has helped you read, write, dance, play the tuba, cook a meal, or understand long division? Whose professional goal is to build a better society, one person at a time?

That’s right—we’re talking about teachers! 

Teachers spend years of their lives making sure that we, all of us, get the most out of ours. And, let’s be frank, they’re not doing it for the glamour. It takes a special person to be a teacher. It takes an equally special student (or parent) to show a special teacher how much their efforts mean to so many people. 

We’re thinking that this year, that appreciative student or parent might be you! 

Teacher Appreciation Day

Our teachers make a difference every day, but there’s only one time of year specifically set aside to celebrate their efforts. When everyone’s lives were disrupted by the pandemic, few people had to creatively scramble the way teachers did. Teach from home? Sure. Teach hybrid? Why not? Restructure lesson plans? They’ve done it all.

So this May, why not make Teacher Appreciation Week and Teacher Appreciation Day truly special? Give teachers extra credit for their tireless work by thanking them in a teacher appreciation Tribute video

Elements of the Best Teacher Appreciation Gift

  1. Personalized
  2. Meaningful, Not Monetary
  3. Group Driven
  4. Festive

There’s a more meaningful way to celebrate teachers than placing an apple on their desk. The best teacher appreciation gifts have a long-lasting, emotional impact on the teacher because they feature these key elements:

1. Personalized

Memorable gifts are personal. Personal gifts couldn’t be given to anyone else in quite the same way, because they are custom created for one specific person. It’s more than just writing “Mrs. Smith” or “Mr. Jones” on a card. Truly personal gifts celebrate specific contributions a person has made or actions they have taken.

2. Meaningful, Not Monetary

Today, many schools no longer allow monetary gifts for teachers. A memorable “thank you” gift delivers meaning and emotion. The type of gift that elicits tears of joy, belly laughs, and tight hugs touches the recipient at their emotional core.

3. Group Driven

The impact a teacher has on a class comes from countless small connections made with many students over months together. Ultimately, one teacher has the power to influence many individual lives. When you combine the stories and memories of a group of students, you can show the teacher just how much their work means on a larger scale.

4. Festive

Your teacher appreciation video is a heartfelt celebration! Don’t forget to make it fun and representative of the students and the teacher. 

Give a Teacher Appreciation Video

A video Tribute meets every definition of a truly memorable gift. What’s more personal than a group of 10 students telling their teacher about the biggest impact she has had on their lives?

Ask each student to follow the same prompt for the video, like “What’s your favorite memory of your time in Mr. Johnston’s class?” or, “What is your favorite thing about Professor Johnson?” The montage of answers will be a gift your teacher will remember and rewatch forever.

Video shows the emotion on the face of each participant, helping the teacher feel the sincerity of every “thank you.”

To add even more excitement to the celebration, you can send the video in an LCD video card.

Score an Easy A (for Appreciation)

We don’t expect you to be a film student to make your video! At Tribute, we make the video creation quick and easy:

  1. Invite students.

    We send the invitations with all the information your group needs to participate.

  2. Collect videos.

    We provide the prompt for your participants to make a video and upload it from any device.

  3. Compile the video.

    We make it easy for you to drag and drop the collected videos into any order you like and then share the final Tribute video.

  4. Get premium service (optional).

    Let one of our concierge editors manage the project and compile your final Tribute video. When you use the concierge service, you’re eligible to upgrade to a video card as well.

Teachers pass along skills that last a lifetime. Why not make every day Teacher Appreciation Day with a meaningful gift that lasts just as long—a Tribute video.

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