It’s around this time of year that a lot of people start looking forward to the year ahead…
Resolutions, goals, visions etc.
While this is all important, I believe one of the most important tools we have to move our lives forward…is simply looking back and being grateful for what we have and what has happened.
We learn from our experiences when we take the time to integrate them. We integrate our experiences through intentional reflection.
So, with that said, here are a few questions to reflect on 2021 and make your end of year conversations a little more interesting in the process.
Eight prompts to go deeper with yourself, the family and friends you care about.

- What were some of the highlights of my year? Achievements, moments, adventure etc. (what made them special?)
- What were some of the biggest challenges of my year? What did I learn from them?
- How did I grow this year? Ask Yourself “what skills, abilities and talents did I get good at this year?” (Often helpful to think of this through the lens of personal and professional.)
- What meaningful relationships did I create or deepen this year? (What made them meaningful?) Bonus points, reach out and tell them!
- What were my favorite experiences with art/music/movies/literature? How did they impact me?
- What am I most excited about in 2022! Yes, you can be grateful for the future 🙂
- What am I most grateful for from the past year? People, experiences, lessons.
Why do this?
When you answer these gratitude questions for yourself, you will honor the important moments of your 2021. You will synthesize the important insight and lessons that you want to carry into the year ahead.
One of the things that is so important about this type of reflection, is that it can remind people just how capable they are.
The challenges they have overcome, lessons learned and milestones already achieved.
So, as you relive your year…
I hope you take a moment to honor yourself for being here and doing what you could with the energy and awareness you had available to you.
I hope you can find compassion for yourself and the things that didn’t turn out the way you had planned or would have liked.
I hope you allow yourself to receive praise and celebrate yourself for the challenges you overcame and meaningful achievements you have already accomplished.

I have long believed that we are the accumulation of all the things we have done, what we are doing right now and whatever we do next.
We only have control over one of those…and it’s in front of us.
With a grateful heart, all is possible.
Tribute makes it simple to create a group video gift for life’s milestones. Video gift recipients report tears of joy and a sense of overwhelming love and gratitude!